Saturday, December 11, 2010

Results from my name

Well, i Googled my name and just as i predicted, nothing about me came up. The info that came up was of other Yesenia's, and i kept checking and checking but nothing. In a way i was disappointed but then again not because i wasn't really expecting to see anything about me and secondly because i would not want any info on me anywhere. But overall i thought it was interesting to google myself, never done that before. Who knows tho, maybe later on in the future something of me will come up, something that has to do with helping the environment or animals.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

community service experince

I did a lot of Community service learning hours during my high school years. In my school it was mandatory for all students to do about 40 hours of service learning hours or else you would not graduate. I first started out during my freshman year by helping out the senior citizens. My job was to clean around, pick up after them, and to serve them if necessary. During my sophmore and junior year i helped at a library in organizing. By my senior year i began to became more and more involved in helping the community that i began to join clubs from my school. I joined clubs that had to do with recycling, cleaning the environment, helping the homeless and a lot more. In one of my clubs called "BuilOn", we helped raise money to build schools for the children in Africa. This was one of the greatest experience in my life because it helped me realize many things and it helped me grow. In my opinion helping the community should not be something that people have to be forced to do, it should be something that you would want to do because you truly care.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving break!

My break turned out wonderful, tho i didn't really go out much, i was able to get rest. I finally got enough sleep and ate a lot! For thanksgiving, my family and i went to eat with my aunt from my dad's side, and then my grandmother from my mom's side. On friday, my mother and i prepared our own thanksgiving meal! We made honey roasted ham, corn, stuffing, biscuits, mash potatoes, roasted vegetables, potato salad, and sweet potato pie, blueberry pie and cherry pie. I really enjoyed making this meal with my mother because we both love to cook! It is wonderful to have some quality time with your family. I miss that, and i look forward to Christmas break!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Managing money

I think over the years i have become a bit better at managing my money. Back then, when i first got my allowance, i was horrible at it. I would right away spend it on toys and candy but didn't care, always felt satisfied. But now things have changed, i've grown up and need more and more things, and everything has gotten more expensive. But now i try to spend my money wisely, and what i do is, purchase something that i actually really need. If i do not need anything important anymore than thats when i buy myself something like a book, or i tunes card, that kind of stuff. I still question myself, "do i really need this?" When i do that, my gut usually tells me if i do or not.
Besides managing money, this week was long, especially because i had sanitation classes today and yesterday! But i am just trying to think about how this week i have a couple of days off and get to stuff myself with some good food!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010


School has been tough and it only seems to be getting harder. Many hours in school and little time to relax because of studying and homework. Usually in the middle of the week, i get really desperate for a day off! But once it is friday, i feel a lot more relaxed. I feel that since there is so much responsibility to do and little time for myself; i've become very disorganized. I use to be very organized, knew where everything was at, everything clean, planner full of notes and to do stuff, etc. Now my planner is mostly blank because i rarely use it, and try to use my brain to memorize things which does not work! The best way i've been keeping myself organized is by writing a to do list on sticky notes! It always works and makes you feel accomplished when you are crossing out that certain thing. I write down homework's and projects i need to do, things i really need to get, even little small things. I would recommend this, it works!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Its been a busy week and boy am i glad its friday! My plans for this weekend are to catch up on my homework, i have tons of it and making some time to relax. Fridays are the best(in my opinion) because you don't feel as pressured, you feel this soothing feeling through your body. Today i did some homework and paused for a while to watch some funny movies with my family. It relaxes me when i am around them, and especially when i laugh a lot. I wonder "what would i do without them?" They are what keep me going and what keep me from giving up my dreams. My family is excited for what i am learning in this culinary career. I've decided to prepare them a special meal tomorrow, either cream of broccoli soup or something with shrimp.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

what a small world!

hmmmm i was thinking of maybe after school tomorrow visiting my old school and baking some carrot cake with cream cheese. What made me decide this was because i ran into my french teacher on tuesday, and she asked to come and visit. It made me realize that i actually do miss my old school. I've been running into a lot of my old classmates and boy is this a small world! At first you don't know what to say or to do because your shocked by their presence. But its good to see an old familiar face................

Friday, October 22, 2010

so much stress!

So far, my experience at kendall has been stressful! I guess because i was not expecting it to be this challenging. I find it very exhausting because of the long hours being in school and coming home having to do homework. There has been a few times when i have wondered if i have chose the right career, or will i change my mind later on? But i know for sure i love to cook, i really do enjoy it and at this point that is what matters. I feel that i should continue with this path and see where it takes me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My first day at Kendall

My first day at Kendall was terrifying since i did not know what to expect. I did not know anyone, nor did i know where my classes where at. It was all so new to me, the environment, the people, and etc. My classes where definitely not what i expected, they where a lot more challenging!!